Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Front & Center by AM Madden Review

Wow, well I really enjoyed Back-Up but Front & Center blew me away. I laughed so much through out this entire book, even with the seriousness of some of the story. A M Madden never failed to lift your spirits back up. 
The down to earth but yet sexual banter between Jack and Leila was simply amazing. Their love grew from strength to strength, it was amazing to watch. During the bad times they stuck together and pulled each other through, even though it threatened to pull them apart. 
Now back to the banter among Devils Lair. I laughed so hard at times I had to hold my stomach. Trey's website prank on Hunter and Scott, one word.... Epic. I had tears running down my face from laughing. They are truly family, they are there for each other even though they rip into each other. The conversations between the boys and even Leila make me want to go on tour with them. 

What I also enjoyed was the protectiveness the band had over Leila. They stuck by her and helped ease her mind. She formed a close friendship with Trey which no-one saw. 

Jack and Leila went through hell after the Back-Up cliffhanger but pulled each other through it. I wanted to slap Leila for listening to Jessa but that feeling was quickly soothed over. 

Back-Up and Front and Center are both amazing books and I'm looking forward to the 3rd installment of this series.  


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