Leo's Chance......what can I say about this book but I loved it so very much. It is brilliantly written and every page tugs at the heart strings with so much emotion- it is beyond a fabulous read. Leo has loved only one girl from the time he was 11 years old. Having to leave her and move thousands of miles away tore him and Evie apart, only eventually Evie believed Leo was gone and all of her waiting for him was for naught and she moves on with her life. Leo never does- she is forever in his every thought, keeping him from ever truly loving anyone else, and leaving her the way he did and never going back makes him not love himself either. Leo and Evie were bound together with the commonality of being foster kids no one wanted. Until Leo is adopted and moves in with a family he quickly learns will not love him in the way he had hoped.
When Leo finally gets the opportunity, after the death of his foster father, to move back to Cincinnati where Evie is, he does not know what will become of them, only that he must find her, see her, know how her life had turned out after he left. Little does he know that the lies he tells to make her a part of his life again will put her belief in all she has ever believed to be true to the test. This book has some very hard parts to read, including details of child abuse, and although they are not explicit, many people want to know that these details are broached in a story before they read it and are caught unawares, so here is your warning! However, do NOT let the bits of bad that mold Leo into who he becomes deter you from reading this extremely great story. I highly recommend this read, I adored it all. <3 Kellie
About the Author, Mia Sheridan
I’m an avid reader, and now writer! of romance and erotic novels. I live in Cincinnati, Ohio with my husband who is a police officer and my biggest fan (not necessarily in that order).
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