Thursday, January 29, 2015
Jodie Jacobs' 'Tasting the Teacher Cover Reveal
Author: Jodie Jacobs
Series: Lessons in Lust #1
Genre: Erotica
Cover Designer: JJ Designs
Release Date: February 1st 2015
Flunking math is a serious problem for Damon. Without a pass, his college choices are limited. It doesn’t help that he’s been fixated on his math teacher, Miss Jordan, for the past two years. If anything, spending too many hours fantasizing over her has pulled his grades down.
Knowing he only has once chance to get the pass he needs, his math teacher may just hold all the answers he requires. Miss Jordan provides the first of one-night opportunities to allow Damon to pass with flying colors.
It all starts with a taste.
Release Day Blitz ~ Dreamweavers by C.C. Ravanera
Title: Dreamweavers Author: C.C. Ravanera Genre: Fantasy Release Date: January 29, 2015 Publisher: Blue Tulip Publishing
Anima thrives in a parallel world where she harvests human dreams, but she has a secret. She longs for something more. She wants to be a part of it all and not just a visitor in another body.
Something within her is changing, something she can't longer is she comfortable in her own skin.
When she suddenly discovers a way to have it all she soon finds out that nothing is as it seems. Everything she's ever known is changing. One things for certain, she's in over her head.
Thrust into a reality where she's killing people, fighting for her very existence and meeting the angel of death. She soon finds out her entire existence has been a lie and she is the only one who can change it.
They call her the savior, but she's just Anima, how can she save everyone when she is unsure if she can save herself?
After creating a nice pleasant dream for one of my assigned humans for the night about walking a big yellow dog down the beach, whereas I was the dog, something peculiar happened. I was in the middle of harvesting a decent amount of Lumus when I heard a voice in my head.
“What are you doing?” I was asked.
Startled, I looked around and found the man in the dream looking at me curiously. I quickly assessed him and found his conscious mind was still asleep. I was faced with an alert subconscious — another new thing I had never encountered before — and one I didn’t know how to deal with.
“Oh, hi, ahh… I’m working?” Is this the next test?
We were in the middle of his brain activity, which had a faint purple hue to it. I felt calm and rested inside it, even though I’d been rushing all night, finishing our assignments. The energy was gently flowing into me and my human, Michael Red, was watching the process thoughtfully.
“Are you absorbing me?” he asked curiously.
Uh-oh. Was I? What was I supposed to say? I didn’t really know what happened to humans when they woke up after my visits. I’d always assumed our visits had been undetected, and humans had not been affected by them at all. Since we’d never stayed around to see dawn, nobody had ever seen a human wake up afterwards. Should I stop letting the energy soak into me? But what if this was a test?
I must have taken my time answering because Michael Red started speaking again. “I’ve read about beings like you,” he said, changing the topic. Either he wasn’t bothered with being absorbed or he was changing tactics.
I was beginning to think that perhaps I should leave, but what he’d said tweaked my curiosity. He’s read about us? “Oh, have you?”
He nodded in response. “You look exactly how I imagined you would look.”
He’d just hit my most sensitive spot. But how could he see me, the real me, that is?
I straightened up and regarded him more carefully. There wasn’t really anything that striking with the man. He was tall for a human and slender in build but not too thin. Humans would consider him handsome, I supposed, with his intelligent-looking green eyes. He had a strong nose and a nice smile, though his black hair made his complexion paler than it was.
“How do I look exactly?” I countered back.
Again that nice smile appeared. “Ethereal.”
I blinked at him stupidly. Ethereal. I’d never considered myself or anyone from the Realm as ethereal. Was there something wrong with his sight?

C.C. hailed from the Philippines but now lives in England with her husband and two young boys. She works as a full-time nurse and absolutely enjoys it. When she’s not working she spends the rest of her time running around the house with the boys and spending quality time with her husband. In her spare time (whew!) she writes her books and dreams of becoming a ‘proper author’.
She’s addicted to coffee and chocolates. She loves reading books and waking up to the sound of birds early in the morning.
Blog Tour for In The Shadow of The Heron by C.A. O'Driscoll

Title: In The Shadow of The Heron
Author: C.A. O'Driscoll
Genre: Adult, Historical Romance
Release Date: January 20, 2015

What would you do if everything in your life felt wrong, that you had no control over your own fate, like you had married the wrong man? What if, when tragedy strikes, you find out you did.
Mary Alice married Alex Williams of her own free will. Or did she? Trapped, like the white heron she was given as a wedding gift, she finds herself living a lie, while the truth watches silently from the shadows.
She has no idea that a mysterious event has caused her to forget the one man she'd promised to love and cherish forever.
Devoted to her, that man isn't ready to let her go.
They all live in the Shadow of the Heron.

Part of the proceeds from the sale of In The Shadow of The Heron until March 20, 2015 will benefit the Amber Coplin Memorial Donation Drive:

Amber Coplin Memorial Donation Drive
Amber Lynn Coplin was brutally murdered by her boyfriend in Port Orchard, Washington in November. Photos were then callously posted on the internet. She was a devoted mother of FIVE young boys who will now spend this Christmas season without their mother. With permission from the boys’ father, Paul, I am donating a percentage of my book sales through March 20, 2015 to a fund to help ensure that they have all of their physical needs met.
Individual donations can be made through GoFundMe at This is the ONLY fund that I am aware of that directly benefits the five boys. Please join me in supporting the surviving victims of this horrible tragedy.

Carrie-Anne O’Driscoll is a peace officer in the state of Texas as well as a volunteer crisis advocate, domestic violence/sexual assault survivor and a nationally recognized public speaker on both subjects.
Previously, she has published two nonfiction books. The Worm Fiasco- A True Portrayal of Domestic Violence is the true story of how she survived attempted murder when she was six weeks pregnant with her oldest son. Last Kiss- The Life and Death of Ka’Tara Gallagher is the true story of the murder of her 20 month old niece in 1999 due to child abuse.
She currently resides in Texas with her husband of ten years, Jim, and her two Tasmanian “tween” sons, Chandler and Liam.


Throb by Vi Keeland Tour
(A standalone novel)
Release date 1/26/15
A Contemporary Romance novel
New York Times & USA Today Bestselling Author Vi Keeland
Throb by Vi Keeland is LIVE!
Now is your chance to meet Cooper & Kate!
Available at:
Amazon US:
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Add to your Goodreads TBR list ➜
Want a sneak peek of Throb? Sign up for Vi’s mailing list now and get a sneak peek!
Every girl needs three things
1. A flutter in her belly when she meets him for the first time.
Meet Cooper
My lips brush the top of her hand lightly, my tongue sneaking out to fleetingly touch her skin. The brief contact stirs an ache inside me. This woman tugs at something—more than arousal—something that makes me want to slow down time just to spend a few more minutes standing here.
“Did you just…” she stammers a bit.
“Did I just what?”
She squints at me. “You know.”
“Do I?”
“I felt your tongue on my hand. You…you licked me.”
I’d been dying to run my tongue along her neck all evening, although I hadn’t really meant to be so crude about it. It just sort of …happened. “I wouldn’t say licked, maybe just a little taste.”
“So you tasted me?”
My entire body suddenly has interest in this conversation. “I suppose I did. But it wasn’t nearly enough. That brings us back to my invitation for dinner. Tomorrow night?”
“I can’t.”
“The day after then?”
She laughs and shakes her head. The sound makes me smile.
“Good night, Cooper.” She pulls the driver’s side door shut and leaves me standing there…for a full five minutes after she’s gone.
2. A best friend to talk about him to.
Meet Sadie
“And I kissed him when we were in his office.”
“How was his office?”
“Really? That’s what you want to know. Not how was the kiss or aren’t you in breach of your contract? How was his office?”
“You can tell a lot about a man by his office.”
I gulp another unladylike sip from my wine glass. “His office was beautiful. Sleek, overlooking the city. It oozed power.”
“Nice. Bet he fucks like he owns you.”
The thought of what he’s like in bed is enough to make me lose my train of thought.
“Go on,” Sadie prods.
I don’t continue immediately.
“You forgot what you were up to because you were thinking of him fucking you like he owns you, didn’t you?” My best friend smirks knowingly.
“Shut up.” I pause. “Anyway, I don’t know what I’m going to do.”
“Well, him. Obviously.”
“I wish it were that easy.”
3. A gentleman that turns into a bossy dirty talker in the bedroom.
Cooper – behind closed doors.
“You haven’t even begun to see bossy yet. Tonight I’m going to tell you to do things, and you’re going to do them. When I tell you to open wider, or take my cock deeper, you’re going to listen. You know why? Because since the moment we met, all I’ve wanted to do is make you feel good. Hell, I don’t even need to get off physically. Because I’m going to get off watching you every minute. So, yeah, I’m going to be bossy. Now let’s put the rest of this behind us. Do you want to be with me tonight?”
After that prelude, I nod my head fast. I’m no fool. Who wouldn’t?
This is my favorite Vi Keeland book to date! I loved Cole and I loved her MMA Series BUT Cooper is my man!!! I loved that even as a successful businessman, he still had a taste for the normal in life- a 30 year old car his dad gave him, a card game with the guys from his father's production company where he drank Budweiser rather than expensive imported beer, that he took Kate to a food truck for their first "date".....he is a normal guy. A romantic, handsome, charming, smoldering in a three piece suit GUY. I loved him.
This book is called THROB and right away you think it is related to something erotic and sexual and this is going to be some erotica kinky tale. Nope. Sex is hot, yes, but Throb is a dating reality show and Kate as a contestant makes Coop crazy. Lol! The chemistry between the two of them is off the charts scorching and it keeps the pages burning as you read this book.
What I also loved was Kate's best friend and lawyer Sadie. Her mind is ALWAYS on sex. ALWAYS. Her constant need to throw out sexual inuendos and to steer every conversation toward sex was a HILARIOUS addition to the book- I almost loved her most of all in the story. The banter between Kate and her when Kate is struggling with what to do with the reality show contract and her feelings toward Coop had me rolling~
Kate: "I don't know what I am going to do."Sadie: "Well, him. Obviously."
LMAO! You definitely need to read this book, it was amazing. A page turner for sure and a major 5 stars up in the air. ~ Kellie for Eye Candy Bookstore
About the Author:
Vi Keeland is a native New Yorker with three children that occupy most of her free time, which she complains about often, but wouldn't change for the world. She is a bookworm and has been known to read her kindle at stop lights, while styling her hair, cleaning, walking, during sporting events, and frequently while pretending to work. She is a boring attorney by day, and an exciting smut author by night!
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The Legend of Arturo King (Legendary Rock Stars #1) by L.B. Dunbar

Title: The Legend of Arturo King
Series: Legendary Rock Stars #1
Author: L.B. Dunbar
Genre: Adult, Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 27, 2015

My name is Arturo King, and I’m told I’m a legend in music. My band is called the Nights and we got our start at the underground Round Table in New York City. Raised by a foster father, I didn’t know the extent of my inheritance until I was twenty-one, and it was all more than I bargained for. I wanted to play the guitar and rule the world with song, but I learned I have a mother from old money, a dead father who was once a real estate mogul, and a record company that needed some rebuilding. Mure Linn, my friend and mentor, has been by my side through it all, teaching me to play, strengthening my lyrics, and guiding me in the music industry. There was one area he couldn’t guide me, though, and that was love. Guinevere DeGrance changed everything for me, I suppose, including the reason I’m here learning the legend of my life without remembering any of it.
The legendary rock star series begins...

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Introduction: Arturo King
Paisley Belle reporting for Guitar Central. Today's
interview is with Arturo King, leader of the rock band, The Nights. As images
of Arturo splash social media in preparation for the band's new release, I was
able to sit down with the notorious Mr. King. We sit inside the dimly lit Round
Table, an exclusive underground bar, known to make or break musical careers.
The table seats only two in this cylinder domain with its mirrored bar opposite
the semi-circular stage. Speaking from experience attending concerts here, the
few tables will be removed when the night life begins. The brickwork is
something you'd find in a Medieval castle, and the empty style is known for its
acoustics. Sitting behind Arturo, but nearby, are the other band members:
Lansing Lotte, Perkins Vale, and Tristan Lyons.
Let's start with how
you got your beginning in music...
A: It all happened by chance. It wasn't meant to be me, but
my brother, Kaye, who had the spotlight. When I performed on that stage, it was
only to prompt Kaye. Get him to sing. I never meant to steal the show. (He
takes a deep breath, uncomfortable with this explanation). That day I met Mure
Linn, my mentor and oldest friend, literally. (Laughs). He taught me everything
I know. He's the father I never had.
And speaking of
family. Tell me about yours. You come from a wealthy heritage.
A: Ingrid Tintagel is my mother; Locke Uther is my father.
You can find that information on public record. I never met my father, and
regardless of inheriting his real estate empire, it's music I intend to make.
Camelot Records is you have an upcoming ca small company owned by Pendragon
Empire, Inc. and that's where my focus will be. Growing Camelot.
So you have an
upcoming concert? Tell us about it.
A: 2015 is going to be a legendary year for the band. We've
developed a new album and it will feature songs written by our own guys.
Lansing, Perk and Tristan each showcase their awesome talent and write their
own story through song. It's epic.
A: Because I'm the leader, per se, and it's always my story
people want. I'm the songwriter, the storyteller on guitar and lead vocals, but
now they each get their turn. It's cool to share, Paisley. (He winks at me and
I fight the blush that creeps up my cheeks).
Yes, well speaking of
sharing, tell me a bit about those nicknames you earned?
Arturo smiles slowly at me and I can't report what his dark,
dangerous eyes do to women. It's best reserved for a more promiscuous magazine.
He laughs softly and replies.
A: I've been told I'm the Chivalrous Lover. I like to
satisfy. (He winks again and I dare to recall). I don't have drama in my life
after women because I take care in how I treat them. It's a code of honor for
me. As for the other guys (he looks over his shoulder and smirks), you'd have
to ask them how they "earned" their names.
This reporter knows that Lansing Lotte is labelled Lady
Killer, Perkins Vale is considered the Hands-free Lover, and Tristan Lyons is
just a Heartbreaker. His harem of women are reputed to be nicknamed 'flavors'
but he never tastes twice. His green eyes and model good looks have paralyzed
me for a moment from across the bar and I have to shake my head to clear the
pleasurable sting.
It's been reported in the tabloids that there is only one
woman for you now. (Arturo's lips slowly curl to smile again, although this
time a bit sheepishly. I might dare saw he's blushing and his brown eyes
A: Yes.
P: Care to expand?
A: Caring is sharing? (I'd think he's flirting with me, but
I know better. I've seen the photos of him with her).
A: Guinevere DeGrance has changed everything for me. She's
my future. My Once. She's been my muse for our new album.
Ms. DeGrance is a musician in her own right as a cellist,
and the daughter of Leo DeGrance, owner of Round Table.
Can you tell me which
bands inspired you?
Snow Patrol first and foremost, but also One Republic, Cage
the Elephant, Arctic Monkeys, Foo Fighters, Milky Chance, and GooGoo Dolls to
name a few. They're all noble warriors
in the world spreading music just like us. These bands have helped drive our
Is there anyone else
you'd like to credit for your success?
A: Well, Mure Linn, of course, and Leo and Kaye. We have a
behind the scenes manager, L.B. Dunbar, and she's our promoter, storyteller,
supporter of all things Nights.
How can fans follow
you or learn more about you?
A: I'd suggest Goodreads
( and
join our new group page on Facebook
( ) for all things related to
The Nights. We love are fans. We know we wouldn't be anywhere without them.
Any final words for
those fans?
A: Just thanks for your support. We love you all and we look
forward to sharing on January 27.
At this point, a beautiful young woman saunters up to our
table and touches Arturo's shoulder. He leans over to kiss her hand before
grabbing it and holding onto her as we say our goodbyes. The Nights are
cordial, flirtatious, and respectful. I dare say Ms. DeGrance is one lucky
lady, but so would be any damsel who snags the attention of the other fine men
who are collectively rocking history in their love of music.
Paisley Belle, reporter for Guitar Central, 2014.

I’d like to say I was always a writer. I’d also like to say that I wrote every day of my life since a child. That I took the teaching advice I give my former students because writing every day improves your writing. I’d like to say I have my ten-thousand hours that makes me a proficient writer. But I can’t say any of those things. I did dream of writing the “Great American Novel” until one day a friend said: Why does it have to be great? Why can’t it just be good and tell a story?
As a teenager, I wrote your typical love-angst poetry that did occasionally win me an award and honor me with addressing my senior high school class at our Baccalaureate Mass. I didn’t keep a journal because I was too afraid my mom would find it in the mattress where I kept my copy of Judy Blume’s Forever that I wasn’t allowed to read as a twelve year old.
I can say that books have been my life. I’m a reader. I loved to read the day I discovered “The Three Bears” as a first grader, and ever since then, the written word has been my friend. Books were an escape for me. An adventure to the unknown. A love affair I’d never know. I could be lost for hours in a book.
So why writing now? I had a story to tell. It haunted me from the moment I decided if I just wrote it down it would go away. But it didn’t. Three years after writing the first draft, a sign (yes, I believe in them) told me to fix up that draft and work the process to have it published. That’s what I did. But one story let to another, and another, and another. Then a new idea came into my head and a new storyline was created.
I was accused (that’s the correct word) of having an overactive imagination as a child, as if that was a bad thing. I’ve also been accused of having the personality of a Jack Russell terrier, full of energy, unable to relax, and always one step ahead. What can I say other than I have stories to tell and I think you’ll like them. If you don’t, that’s okay. We all have our book boyfriends. We all have our favorites. Whatever you do, though, take time for yourself and read a book.


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