Friday, January 29, 2016
SIN & SUFFER Release Week Blitz
hadn’t been a single moment in the past eight years when I’d awoken and wished
I could forget.
morning had been a struggle to remember.
night a battle between needing to know and needing to forget.
tried to trick my mind into remembering, but either I was too stubborn or too
afraid, because it never worked. And . . . as the days turned from hell to
heaven and Arthur fell back in love with me, I didn’t really mind that a chunk
of my life was missing.
had him back. Larger than life and even more perfect than any recollection
could do justice.
was content with that.
living in the silver haze of amnesia, with no past or present, came with its
own burdens and trials. It meant I couldn’t find my true self, but it also
granted unusual freedom. Freedom because I couldn’t find my true self. I had
the latitude to be stronger, braver—all because
had no notion of who I’d been or what I was risking by choosing
be lying if I said I didn’t like that indulgent laxity . . . that power.
granted me silent strength to chase Arthur even when he seemed unchasable. And
it’d helped me find the truth that I’d been missing all these years.
now, pinned to a table with men gawking at my half-naked form, I wished I could
disappear into the void where my mind had vacationed for so long.
wished I could delete whatever was about to happen.
struggled against the fingers around my wrists, unable to look up at the men
holding me down. My cheek squashed against the table; my toes ached as I dug
into the tiled floor, trying to stop myself from sliding and becoming
completely helpless.
stood behind me. The heat of his thighs against my T‑shirt and the
roughness of his fingers sent my heart spiraling.
Please, don’t
let this happen.
was many things, but a rapist? Would he stoop that low?
unequivocal answer reverberated through my head.
if such a thing would hurt the one person he hated above all. Arthur would
never be able to forgive himself if I was violated so terribly.
It will kill
heart shattered into kaleidoscopic pieces at the thought of destroying Arthur
in such a way. Me? I could brave it. I could heal. But him? He’d never be able
to look at me again without suffering such awful guilt.
“Why do you hate your son so much?” I whispered,
fearing his answer.
Rubix chuckled. “You never guessed?”
Never guessed? “No.” How would I ever guess something so wrong?
“He was supposed to be like me. Instead, he was like
“What?” My forehead furrowed. “Like her . . . your
“Yes,” he snarled. “So fucking soft. She was always
so meek—riddled with indecision and then later with disease. Arthur was
supposed to make me proud—but all he did was make me a laughing stock.”
“All because he preferred to use his brain over his
fists? Because he chose to go to school instead of smoking crack with the rest
of the lowlife prospects?”
Rubix tucked my hair behind my ears. “No, pretty
Buttercup, because he chose your family over his own.”
My stomach ruptured. “He didn’t choose us over you.
You gave him no choice. Arthur wanted to be good rather than follow morals he didn’t
believe in. That doesn’t make him soft. That makes him strong.”
Stronger than
you’ll ever be
Excerpted from SIN & SUFFER by Pepper Winters.
Copyright © 2016 by Pepper
Winters. Used with permission of Grand Central Publishing.
All rights reserved.
Pepper Winters is my “go to author”, you know, that author that you don’t even need to read the back of book before buying, that author you’d die to meet, but know you’d be too embarrassed to tell her how much you love her writing… oh, and that author that kind of makes you feel like a stalker… yep that’s my Pepper. Sin & Suffer is book two in the Pure Corruption Series, and after we were left with the massive cliff hanger in Ruin and Rule… I was totally pumped up for Sin & Suffer and more of Kill & Cleo.
Pepper pulls you into her stories with an intensity that puts her in a league of her own. The ups and downs and twists and turn have you on the edge of your seat and the complexity of characters will keep you completely enthralled the entire book. I think my favorite part of this book was the dual POV’s and memories from Kill and Cleo’s childhood. It gives you glimpses of the true Arthur Killian and makes you a believer in true love and how it really never dies.
This is another “must read” from Pepper Winters. And if you’re like me, and not really into MC books, this book is no ordinary MC book, trust me, it’s worth the read.
4.5 stars
Reviewed by Tonya Nichols of Eye Candy Bookstore
About Pepper Winters
Pepper Winters is a New York Times and USA Todayinternational bestseller. She loves dark romance, star-crossed lovers, as well as the forbidden and taboo. She strives to write a story that makes readers crave what they shouldn't, and delivers complex plots and unforgettable characters that keep readers talking long after the last page is turned.
On a personal note she loves to travel, has an addiction to creme brulee, and is married to an incredible Canadian who puts up with her endless work hours and accompanies her on signings. She's also a firm believer that the impossible can become possible.
"Some say the past is in the past. That vengeance will hurt both innocent and guilty. I never believed those lies. Once my lust for revenge is sated, I'll say goodbye to hatred. I'll find a new beginning."
She came from a past Arthur "Kill" Killian never forgot. She made him sin and made him suffer. She tugged him from the shadows and showed him he wasn't as dead as he thought. And with her resurrection came betrayal, deceit, and war.
But then they took her. Stole her. Imprisoned her.
Now Kill's carefully laid plans for vengeance are complete. He craves action, retribution-the blood of his enemies. War has begun. War is all they'll know until they've paid their penance. He will get her back-and rewrite their destiny . . .
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RELEASE BOOST - Pandemonium by Bella Jewel
Title: Pandemonium
Series: MC Sinners Next Generation #1
Author: Bella Jewel
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: January 26, 2016
I am the good girl, the one who does no wrong.
Daughter to a ferocious and strong MC President, I know what protection feels like.
Until one night changes everything - and not a single person in the world can protect me from it, not even my dad.
Suffocating. Alone. Desperate.
I let my problems live deep inside until there is no longer anywhere to run.
I need an escape. Anything to make the pain go away.
Trouble comes for me, and I don't fight it.
I tried so hard to believe in what I was,
But nobody understood.
Not until him. Not until Lucas.
He sees me. He believes in me.
He refuses to let me drown.
He’s my way out. My escape.
But Lucas is forbidden. He’s a cop. I’m in danger. And my father is trying to protect what can’t be protected.
There can only be one outcome.
**This book can be read as a standalone, but don't stress original MC Sinner fans, your favs are all there!**
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Author Bio
Bella Jewel is a self published, USA
Today bestselling author. She’s been publishing since 2013. Her first release
was a contemporary romance, Hell’s Knights which topped the charts upon
release. Since that time, she has published over five novels, gaining a
bestseller status on numerous platforms. She lives in North Queensland and is
currently studying editing and proofreading to further expand her career. Bella
has been writing since she was just shy of fifteen years old. In Summer 2013
she was offered an ebook deal through Montlake Romance for her bestselling
modern day pirate series, Enslaved By The Ocean. She plans to expand her
writing career, planning many new releases for the future.
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RELEASE BOOST - Paradise Fought: Abel by L.B. Dunbar
Title: Paradise Fought: Abel
Series: Paradise #1
Author: L.B. Dunbar
Genre: Contemporary New Adult Romance/MMA
Release Date: January 25, 2016
I'm not a fighter.
I was born into a fighting family. As the middle child, I was overlooked in favor of my older brother.
He took the negative attention, too. In comparison, there's nothing special about me.
I’m not as big as Cobra. I’m not as strong as Cobra. He's the alpha.
I'm a beta.
The second son.
The lesser one.
The one never encouraged to fight, never encouraged to do anything, but stay out of my father’s way.
I'm not a lover either - but I wished to be – that’s why I needed her.
I met a girl in the pouring rain.
Sounds cliché, but it's true. It changed everything.
Because of love, I learned to fight.
Betas come second, but in this fight, my story is first.
Betas come second, but in this fight, my story is first.
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If I thought I was going to make a speedy getaway, I was wrong. My savior caught up to me, half way down the walk, outside the finance building. He was quick and a large hand wrapped around my upper arm.
“Whoa, sister,” he said, slightly out of breath. “You almost got away from me again.”
“What?” I questioned. I had no idea what he meant: again.
“Never mind,” he muttered, his hand still on me. I looked down at it and he immediately released me. My eyes pinched as I realized I didn’t mind his hand on my skin. There was something nonthreatening about him. He seemed rather innocent, studious, actually. His shirt was buttoned almost to the top and tucked into his pants. The sleeves secure at the cuffs. His jeans were snug and hugged him well. He wore dark rimmed glasses that screamed smart. Brown boots looked too new on his large feet. It was like he had the right parts but the wrong combination.
His blue eyes were soft and easy to look into. They practically spoke to me, but I had no idea what he was saying. His dark hair was disheveled, a bit shaggy, but cool looking. He kind of looked like a pop star, which was a little too sugar sweet for me. His form was questionable. It was hard to tell what kind of body he had under those clothes. He looked rather preppy, like half the guys at this university. I didn’t want to think about it. I’d just sold my soul for another semester.
“So when do you want to do this?” I asked. His blank stare told me he had no idea what I meant.
“Us,” I said, pointing between him and me.
“I…” His voice trailed off as he gawked at me. His expression changed from confusion to shock.
“I didn’t buy you to sleep with you,” he said, a touch of disbelief in his voice. His face turned crimson, then fell. “Why, have you done that before?” It was my turn to be surprised and offended.
I turned on my heels and began stomping away from him. He was too quick and he caught me again. His hand on my arm halted me. This time he didn’t release me when I peered down at his fingers wrapped around my bicep.
“Look. I need help,” he blurted. His face pinked a little, and it was sweet. “I don’t need help with sex. I need help with before.” His tone dropped, and he looked side to side to see if anyone would hear him. I took his meaning.
“You don’t know how to do foreplay?” I questioned in a loud whisper, trying to hide my astonishment. How could anyone have sex and not know a touch of foreplay?
His face pinked again.
“Not that,” he said, sounding like a child. “The flirting. The dating. The…other stuff.”
I was stunned. I stared at him, taking in his features again. He was kind of cute, leaning toward the potential for good looking. He couldn’t possibly need help with this request. The confusion on my face made him speak.
“I don’t know how to flirt.” The words swirled between us.
“I don’t understand.” I didn’t. I didn’t know what he wanted from me.
“I need lessons how to be…cool: with girls. Call it a tutoring session. I need to learn how to be…seen.” His voice took on a touch of sadness. He couldn’t possibly be serious. I continued to stare at him. My mouth might have actually dropped open a bit, and I noticed he was watching my lips. It was a little exciting the way he stared at them. I licked them and his pupils dilated, filling in more black over the blue. His expression changed. Knowingly, he blinked when he realized I was teasing him. His lip quirked up and a dimple showed in his cheek.
“Whoa, sister,” he said, slightly out of breath. “You almost got away from me again.”
“What?” I questioned. I had no idea what he meant: again.
“Never mind,” he muttered, his hand still on me. I looked down at it and he immediately released me. My eyes pinched as I realized I didn’t mind his hand on my skin. There was something nonthreatening about him. He seemed rather innocent, studious, actually. His shirt was buttoned almost to the top and tucked into his pants. The sleeves secure at the cuffs. His jeans were snug and hugged him well. He wore dark rimmed glasses that screamed smart. Brown boots looked too new on his large feet. It was like he had the right parts but the wrong combination.
His blue eyes were soft and easy to look into. They practically spoke to me, but I had no idea what he was saying. His dark hair was disheveled, a bit shaggy, but cool looking. He kind of looked like a pop star, which was a little too sugar sweet for me. His form was questionable. It was hard to tell what kind of body he had under those clothes. He looked rather preppy, like half the guys at this university. I didn’t want to think about it. I’d just sold my soul for another semester.
“So when do you want to do this?” I asked. His blank stare told me he had no idea what I meant.
“Us,” I said, pointing between him and me.
“I…” His voice trailed off as he gawked at me. His expression changed from confusion to shock.
“I didn’t buy you to sleep with you,” he said, a touch of disbelief in his voice. His face turned crimson, then fell. “Why, have you done that before?” It was my turn to be surprised and offended.
I turned on my heels and began stomping away from him. He was too quick and he caught me again. His hand on my arm halted me. This time he didn’t release me when I peered down at his fingers wrapped around my bicep.
“Look. I need help,” he blurted. His face pinked a little, and it was sweet. “I don’t need help with sex. I need help with before.” His tone dropped, and he looked side to side to see if anyone would hear him. I took his meaning.
“You don’t know how to do foreplay?” I questioned in a loud whisper, trying to hide my astonishment. How could anyone have sex and not know a touch of foreplay?
His face pinked again.
“Not that,” he said, sounding like a child. “The flirting. The dating. The…other stuff.”
I was stunned. I stared at him, taking in his features again. He was kind of cute, leaning toward the potential for good looking. He couldn’t possibly need help with this request. The confusion on my face made him speak.
“I don’t know how to flirt.” The words swirled between us.
“I don’t understand.” I didn’t. I didn’t know what he wanted from me.
“I need lessons how to be…cool: with girls. Call it a tutoring session. I need to learn how to be…seen.” His voice took on a touch of sadness. He couldn’t possibly be serious. I continued to stare at him. My mouth might have actually dropped open a bit, and I noticed he was watching my lips. It was a little exciting the way he stared at them. I licked them and his pupils dilated, filling in more black over the blue. His expression changed. Knowingly, he blinked when he realized I was teasing him. His lip quirked up and a dimple showed in his cheek.
“I need to date you,” he blurted. “To learn how to do, what you just did to me.”
Author Bio
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* Release Blitz - Jan. 29 * BLANK by Cassie Wild
"They say I just woke up from four months in a coma but that's not the worst...I have no idea who I am!"
When nineteen year-old college student, Preslee Keats, wakes up after four months in a coma, she has no recollection of what happened, of how she ended up in the hospital. All the police can tell her is that she was in a car accident and the other driver still hasn't been found.
Soon after coming to, Quaid Fields, a high profile defense attorney, comes to visit her. To her surprise, he offers her a hundred thousand dollars to 'help her get back on her feet.' Realizing that this sort of money never comes without a catch, she doesn't want to take the bait.
However, after learning that she lost her job and are now facing mountains of education and medical bills, she may have no choice. And if she does accept, what does that say about the kind of person she really is?
Don't miss BLANK, the latest erotic romance by Cassie Wild.
Cassie Wild loves romance. Ever since she was eight years old she's been reading every romance novel she could get her hands on, always dreaming of writing her own romance novels.
When M.S. Parker approached her about co-authoring Serving HIM series, it didn't take Cassie many second to say a big yes!!
Serving HIM is only the beginning to the collaboration between M.S. Parker and Cassie Wild. Another series is already in the planning stages.
Release Blitz - Jan. 28 - Drift Heat by Adrian R. Hale
I didn't want to only be known as the pretty, blonde daughter of a famous race car driver. I wanted to make a name for myself and I wasn't going to let anyone get in my way. So when I saw the opportunity of a lifetime, I jumped. Being the face of the hottest new racing team in the business was a dream come true.
Until he showed up.
Griffin McGregor. Bad boy star driver. On the track, he's gold. Off the track? He's everything my daddy ever warned me about. Infuriatingly egotistical, explosive temper, argumentative know-it-all...why does he have to be so freaking hot?
It'll be a miracle if we can get this team to the championship title without killing each other. Or worse. Because the last thing I'm going to do is wreck my career by jumping in bed with a race car driver.
Adrian R. Hale is a whirlwind of energy and optimism, just as ready to tell you about her books as she is to invite you over for cookies. She is a big dreamer and believes in chasing them down with speed and enthusiasm, much like the characters she writes. You can find her cycling around Austin, TX, running trails, baking gourmet cupcakes, beautifying people for weddings and photo shoots, and traveling all over the country in pursuit of those interests. Once upon a time, Adrian went to college thinking she would be a journalist, but dropped out to go to beauty school. Her first published novel ended up being about a hair and makeup artist. Things have definitely come full circle! She loves hearing from her readers at
Release Blitz, Dark Savage by Tamara Rose Blodgett

From the New York Times bestselling author of A Terrible Love comes a story of unspoiled passion within a dark post-apocalyptic world....
Elise, Calia, Philip and Adahy grow restless within the tree clan, and long to move forward in their individual life paths. Can they see through their destiny or must they remain in a circumstance not of their choosing?
Jim has choices—none of them good. He can't shift back to his human form—he can't return to earth.
When Adira makes a devastating decision, and the consequences rain down on Ulric's tree clan—is there any way they'll survive?
Novelette length, 10,000 words/44+ pages.


Get All Of The Dark Savage Novelette's In One Book!!!


Tamara Rose Blodgett is the author of over fifty titles, including her NEW YORK TIMES bestselling novel, A TERRIBLE LOVE, written under the pen name Marata Eros. Tamara writes a variety of dark fiction in the genres of erotica, fantasy, romance, sci-fi and suspense. She lives in South Dakota with her family, and enjoys interacting with her readers.
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Release Blitz, Enzo by Shyla Colt

Neglected, abandoned by a heroin-addicted mother, and placed in foster care at ten, Enzo Jordan has learned one thing…love hurts. At thirty-five, he has a successful tattoo shop and his choice of women. The one-night stands are getting old, and the love he holds for his best friend, Aibhlinn is impossible to hide. When the attraction between them reaches a boiling point, he's forced to choose between facing his fears and walking away.
Aibhlinn Leahy has been in love with her best friend for years. The Irish-born comic book artist has poured time, energy, and love into the wounded man. His choice to walk away breaks her heart but frees her to explore a new future.
Life is a cruel and amazing thing. An abandoned baby brings the two back together, and they’re forced to examine the love that has long existed between them. This is a story of pain, scars, and fear. We all have demons to battle.
The real decision is who's in control…us or them...


Shyla Colt grew up in Cincinnati, Ohio, but has lived a variety of different places thanks to her wanderlust, interesting careers, and marriage to a United States Marine. She's always loved books and wrote her very first novel at the age of fifteen. She keeps a copy of her first submission letter on her desk for inspiration.
After a lifetime of traveling, she settled down and knew her time had come to write. Diving into her new career like she does everything else, with enthusiasm, research and a lot of prayers, she had her first book published in June of 2011. As a full-time writer, stay at home mother, and wife, there's never a dull moment in her household.
She weaves her tales in spare moments and the evenings with a cup of coffee or tea at her side and the characters in her head for company. A self-professed rebel with a pen. Her goal is to diversify romance as she continues to genre hop, and offer up strong female characters.
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