Emerge Review by Toski
It's happened..
The day has come that FINALLY someone is tied sitting pretty at #1 with Kellan Kyle.. KK had a LONG 14 month run all by his lonesome as #1.. Some have come close.. But just not *quite* there.. You should know before moving on- I rate ALL Book boys on a Kellan Kyle scale.. So this is HUGE. HUUUUUUUUGE accomplishment. Not just ANY amazing book boyfriend can get to this level.. And let me tell you.. After reading Emerge- my KK scale is freakin tipping over and I am at a loss for words.. <- yea, can you believe that I just said that OUTLOUD!
So, this book wasn't really on optional read.. I mean, I got added into this book group and ALL the girls were raving and asking Team Evan or Team Dane... So naturally, being the love triangle lover I am -- jumped in feet first.. I had no expectations, although I was warned I would doubt my KK love.. (secretly- I laughed, knowing this is impossible and NO BB will be him..) BOY, was I wrong..
The story starts introducing us to Laney Walker.. A tomboy 10 year old little girl being raised by her single father.. She gets in a scuff at school and the principal calls her dad in only to find out not only did his little princess fight, but a boy name Evan Mitchell Allen (their neighbor boy) had defended her as well..This soon flashes forward 8 years and Laney and Evan (who had remained best friends) are now seniors in High School..
After finally getting the nerve Evan asks Laney on a real date.. The best way to describe Evan Allen in book boyfriend reference is he is a Will Cooper (This girl- Colleen Hoover) .. He is THE perfect best friend & boyfriend you can possibly ever want and I immediately fell head over heels in love with Evan.. I already hurt knowing there is going to be another guy.. There CAN NOT possibly be a better boyfriend for Laney than Evan..
At this point- I have to go back to the "group page" and vent out my pain... yes, my group girls were there with me the whole way - holding my hand, cheering me on, telling me - it will be ok.. So, I continue on..
Evan and Laney share a love for Disney movies as they grew up together having "Disney" marathon movie nights..
Let me give you some examples of the kind of guy Evan is.. I need to paint the whole honest picture here::
"Laney, you're THAT girl.. the one guys make up in their head when they put all the parts together to make one perfect girl. "
"I've dreamed of kissing her since I was 10 years old..I knew it wouldn't be the same when and if it ever happened.. It isn't."
"He's like the perfect song, all said for me"<-- Laney's thoughts to herself
and you ready for it?? THIS IS WHERE I FELL IN LOVE WITH EVAN::::::
"I love her more than any man has ever loved a woman.. I am sure of it. I've loved her since the first time her little tomboy A$$ smarted off to me, when she was all dirt and elbows.. and now, she's a goddess."
^ See, total Will Cooper - sweet baby Evan is a Real Life Disney Prince and I am convinced at this point.. There will NEVER be anyone better..
And then- they end up at seperate colleges so Laney and Evan come to agreement that they aren't going to hold each other back.. They still love each other, but won't hold each other back from happiness while apart.
Laney moves in where her new Dorm Roommate Bennett... who I quickly LOVE and her high school bestie Kaitlyn is at the college where Evan attends so she and Bennett instant friends
After Bennett ( WHO IS REAL LIFE ARIEL) forces her to go to a college event.. She meets him.. The guy who changes everything.. I am still convinced I am Team Evan.. I WILL NOT FALL FOR ANYONE ELSE. EVER.
Dane Kendrick.. Unlike Evan who is "all american jock with light brown shaggy hair and blue eyes - you know the really "cute-hot" guy.. Dane is just beautiful.. Dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin.. perfection..
I am getting scared now... I mean, you know when a guy has the good faithful girl thinking dirty thoughts- it's getting ready to get cray cray..She describes him as " The world's sexiest reason to drop you panties.."
Well crap.. my Team is now Team Fence.. Splinters or not- I am sitting here and NO ONE can make me move.. I want both. Laney needs both... So screw these teams.. I am making a new one..
And then..I discover.. He's a winker, a nicknamer, and a musician and my damn fence comes crashing down.. hard.. Poor Evan... I am sorry sweet baby.. We had a good run. But Dane.. yea- He's McDreamy..
and A nicknaming winking McDreamy musician trumps Prince Eric.. ALWAYS.
"Disney" and Dane ( that is his nickname for her) have such a strong connection- it is radiating thru my kindle screen.. My fingers are on FIRE.. My heart is about to burst.. and I know at this point.. I am a goner- along with Laney.. Hook, line, and sinker - I AM SUNK....
I should explain at this point that Laney and I are one in the same.. The way she looks, her personality, her love for disney and music, and I connected to her like no other female character ever.. I loved her as much as I loved the guys.. Her and Bennett had the kind of friendship us girls all want...
So, back to Dane--HO-LEE-I have swooned and went to kellan kyle Heaven.. This man is beyond perfection.. There really is not a word I can use to describe other than that. Let me show you what I mean:::
"I want you to be my girlfriend.. I want you to be my baby.."
"Oh God baby it's going to be good one day.. You and me...explosive."
" Baby its so hard it hurts"<--- My note-- HO-lee hotness Disney -get it on or I am going to jump in this book and get it done for you.."
"I can tell you how happy it makes me.. How little you gave him ... and THAT will be all mine" <-- Yep, her V card is ALL HIS..
86%--- heartbreak... I am about to throw up .. nervous, my belly hurt and my heart is going to explode..
90% "Your choice..Bedroom or right here"<--- OMG I AM FANNING MYSELF.. HOT HOT HOT
"you dont' kiss like that off you're still on the fence..." <--- you're right.. I burned that FENCE TO THE GROUND DANE!!!! That fence- it was gone at first wink;)
"I'm not sure what kind of love you mean baby but if you mean do I want you to be with me forever that I can't bear the thought of being without you as my lover, my best friend, my whole world.. one day my wife, baby mama(he winks) then yes, I love you - love you.. <------ A wink and calling her a baby Mama.. I am so far tipped on my KK scale - there is no hope of coming back.. DANE KENDRICK, you just took a step above my KK..
So, at this point.. I know that Evan.. Prince Eric - has to be let go.. Not that He and Laney are "together" but their hearts are bound..
Cut my guts with a dull knife "Merry Christmas Princess.." <-- FULL ON UGLY TEARED SNOTTY CRY HOLD ME NOW FRIENDS BECAUSE I NEED LOVE AND CODDLED...
I rate this book at the BIGGEST 5 STAR RATING YOU CAN RATE.. IT IS NOTHING SHORT OF PERFECT, AMAZING, A REAL LIFE FAIRY TALE ROMANCE THAT YOU WONT PUT DOWN.. I started this book at 11:00 om and finished at 3 am .. Admitted to my girls at 2:46 CST that Dane is KK's successor.... Dane has romanced his way right past Kellan Kyle.. and I don't ever think anyone can take that .. Because YES, he is THAT AMAZING..
This is in my top 3 books of all time.. To say I LOVED it... Is not enough..

Embrace Review by Carrie
I had the honor of being a beta for Embrace! I knew going into this book that it was going to be amazing! S.E.Hall you did it again lady! You took my breath away. I didn't think it was possible to love a book as much as I did Emerge, but I was wrong.
Embrace starts off exactly where Emerge ends. Evan heartbroken and trying to pick up the pieces after Laney picked Dane over him, and broke his heart. Let me say I'm a Team Dane girl but I love and adore Evan so much. Evan is the guy every girl dreams of. He's the guy that I hope my daughters meet just like him one day! He's HOT of course but he's the best BB you could ask for next to Dane. I LOVE him. My heart hurt bad for him. I wanted to reach in my kindle and hug him and hold him so tight!
Evan is just going through the motions when he meets Whitley. He is trying to figure out how he will get through each day seeing Laney and it not crush his heart. Now I will say Whitley was not the obvious choice at first! I was thinking oh no please not her! After we get to know the real Whitley we begin to see why Evan is slowly falling for her. She helps him heal and shows him its ok to give your whole heart to someone again.
Sawyer OMG just when you think you love Dane and Evan we get Mr.HOT pants Sawyer <-----yes I said HOT pants!! I love him! Sawyer takes Evan under his wing and becomes a friend to Evan when he needs it most. He helps Evan through one of the worst times of his life! Not only is he HOT, a great friend but he is hilarious! He had me laughing out loud more than once!
As we get further into the book we see Evan and Whitley's relationship continue to grow. Evan puts up a few walls though. Dating is new to him. It is something he only knows with Laney. Will Whitley have the patience to wait for Evan? Will Evan finally get over Laney and let her go? Please read Embrace and find out! It is an amazing story of heartbreak, second chances, friendship, and getting through some of the toughest times of their lives!
Now don't think I forgot about my man Dane <------ remember he knocked my socks off and panties in Emerge! We get to see how his and Laney's story evolves and I love the alternate POV's. I always love getting to see what everyone is thinking. Dane didn't disappoint in Embrace! He's just as hot as ever and I loved reading about him and Laney being together. We get to see Laney go through some hard times too. Evan is and always was a huge part of her life so we get to see how she handles that.
Some of my highlights
"A red balloon. I can't believe that's what you picked. Her eyes water a bit and she looks at me thoughtfully and I smile. "I love it."
You are the fire, my intensity, my must have, my awakening," I say sincerely. "You're the lap I always want to cuddle in, the lips I want to kiss, the mind I want to challenge, the laugh I want to draw out. Okay?" <------ tears were running down my face! Loved every word!
"Did you ever love me? Did you ever mean it? <----- omg that poor sweet baby!! That tugged my heart!
"Well, you don't have a girlfriend, and because Jesus loves me, neither do I, so I figure we'll hit K together. Pick up a few honeys for the night, whatever." <--LOL! I bet you can guess who said that! Love him!
There are so many more highlights.I loved Embrace from start to finish! I give it 5 HUGE bright glittery stars!! It is a must read. S.E.Hall you amaze me everyday! Thank you for letting me be a tiny part of all this. I can't wait for more Dane and Laney, and Sawyer! I love this crew! Thank you for this amazing series. Now go read this and love it as much as I do!
Entangled Review by Kellie
I loved the entire series and this novella was no exception. Laney, Sawyer, Evan, Dane....what's not to love? This short but awesome read focuses on Laney and Dane having a decorating face-off at Laney's new duplex that Dane bought her so she'd get to spend more nights with him instead of having to adhere to the campus's strict curfew during sports season. Sawyer is afraid to be left behind while everyone else is moving on so Laney agrees to let him move into the second bedroom at the duplex. You will enjoy this read, with the hilarious adventures of the crew- read after Emerge and Embrace to catch it all!
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About the Author: S.E.Hall resides in Arkansas with her husband of 17 years and 3 beautiful daughters. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading.
S.E. Hall is giving away 2 paperback of Emerge and 1 Dane Keychain and 1 Evan Keychain
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