Monday, September 29, 2014
Finding Home (True North) NEW COVER!
"When you're lost... True North" The North brothers were hell on wheels-adrenaline-junky bad boys. You’d think they had a death wish – every one of them – but they didn’t really, they just got off on the thrill of pushing every limit, that gravity or any other force told them they couldn’t conquer. What they weren't prepared for were the women that would steal their hearts.
Livie Morrisey is dreading seeing Jake after his heroic homecoming from Afghanistan. She's been in love with Jake North since she was a little girl, but he's three-and-a-half years older than her and her big brother’s best friend. She was always nothing but the off-limits little sister – until the night before Jake left for the Army, when he'd given her her first kiss. They'd kept in touch for a year, but once Jake was deployed to Afghanistan, he'd cut off contact suddenly and she'd never heard from him again.
For the past three years Livie has kept herself distracted with homework and her university studies, but now Jake's going to be up close and personal. And Livie can’t decide if tonight's finally the night to prove to Jake she’s all grown up or the night she should let him go forever.
"Brilliant and emotional! Jake has just been added to
my top ten book heroes of all time, and that's a damn selective list to be on.
Great story, great writing, great characters...need I say more?" - Nicole
Bex 'N Books
a must read! This is the beginning to what promises to be an amazing series of
books!"- Swoon Worthy Books
"I need more than 5 stars!!!! The story completely
grabbed me. Trust me; this is a book that is one-click material. Then one-click
for a friend."- The Pink Bookshelf Blog
"An amazing NA romance with real heart! True North:
Finding Home highlights the resiliency of the human spirit, even in the darkest
of circumstances and shows us that love and light can truly lead us home. If
you're a fan of NA romance, then you will LOVE this book!"- Feed Your
Fiction Addiction
"Refreshing, sweet, sexy and very surprising! Be ready to read Livie and Jake's story it'll
be one hell of a thrilling ride!!!" - Scandalous Book Blog
"Wow, This was an amazing read!! It hooked me right
from the beginning. ~Amazeballs Book
"Jake! So there are these games Jake, Livie, and their
friends play and Livie knows how to dominate that game... I hope the next book
is as entertaining as this one." -Andrewsheath; Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer;
Crazy Vermonter Book Blog
"I almost NEVER 5 star a book anymore. This is a MUST
READ!!! Everyone should read this book - ESPECIALLY if you have loved ones that
are or have served."-Jennifer
"Bravo!!! True North... will be The BEST Book you will
ever have the Honor of Reading!!!"- Heatheranne
As we headed back to the party, we heard everyone chanting
Jake’s name. A group had formed around the picnic table on the deck where Jake
and Charlie, a friend of theirs, were playing a drinking game.
Charlie looked pretty bad while Jake looked like he was just
getting started. They pushed back a shot each and turned the cup upside down on
the table. Jake had a sizable shot glass pyramid in front him while Charlie’s
was just growing. I could tell Charlie wasn’t Jake’s first opponent.
“Dude, you suck! But in a good way.” Charlie reached over to
grasp hands with Jake.
Everyone laughed, and Jessica shouted, “Jake wins again!”
She pulled his arm up to show him off as champion then bent
down to give him a kiss. The inside of my mouth turned to copper. But as she
closed in, he blocked her face with his hand and shook his head. My stomach did
Jessica frowned but tried to act like nothing happened.
“WHO SHALL BE THE NEXT CONTENDER?” Sam North growled into
the crowd, lifting his arms up over his head like Rocky on the Philly Art Museum
steps. His silver studded belt glinted in the firelight, and his wrists were
covered in leather and silver bands.
Sam was always brave and outspoken, always going for what he
wanted. I wished I could be more like him; Julia and I were still trying to
find our secret formulas or mojo or something to help us hit our targets.
“I’ll take him on.”
Wow! That was one way to get noticed. All eyes fell on me.
Damn, people—look away!
Jake looked at me like he must have heard me wrong.
“Jeesh, you guys, it’s a game not a rite of passage. Let’s
just have a little fun.” As soon as I said it, Jake almost cracked a smile.
I sat down opposite him and got ready.
I cocked an eyebrow and tried playing it tough. “So what’s
the drink?”
“It’s been vodka, but I know you hate that, so how about
Did he know his eyes ignited every part of me? He didn’t
even have to try.
“Let’s put a spin on it,” Jules chimed in. “If she needs a
break she can tag me.”
Laughter ensued. Jules was not known for holding her liquor.
“Hey she’s not a pansy-ass!” I defended. “She’s my second. I
don’t mind the handicap.”
I saw Nate walk over to the DJ, who looked like he was
facilitating the game, and said something to him.
Jake hadn’t taken his eyes off of me since I’d sat down.
The DJ announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen, since we’re dealing
with little sisters we’ll be toning down the questions a notch.”
I groaned as everyone around us laughed. Meanwhile Jake’s
expression never changed.
I leaned back into Jules. “Questions?”
“It’s a truth or dare game,” she whispered in my ear. “I
thought you knew.”
Fuck. Me.
The DJ put on Earshot’s “Wait,” and Drew came up with a
bottle of rum and filled each of our shot glasses.
“First question goes to the lady,” The DJ announced. I
panicked. I didn’t even know the rules! “Name three things that make you go
weak at the knees.”
Easy, Jake, Jake and Jake. “Brown eyes, tattoos and muscular
The crowd whooped and whistled, and I was sure a small smile
came through Jake’s tough exterior. He picked up his shot while penetrating me
with my favorite warm, deep brown eyes in the world and tossed his head back
before adding his glass to his pyramid. He was in nothing but a t-shirt, and I
had never seen the tats that now decorated his arms. I wanted to move closer to
examine them and ask him what each meant, but the DJ threw me when he said,
“Our champion’s question is … Imagine you have two hours left to live. You get
to spend those precious hours with the lady of your dreams. What would you do
to her?”
Holy hell!
At this, the crowd went wild. I was sure every girl was
swooning. If these were the toned down questions, I wondered what the regular
questions were like. I was already feeling all hot and bothered and he hadn’t
even answered the question yet.
“I’d touch her so sensually, so artistically, I’d make her
forget any man she ever had before me. I’d slide my lips across her ear and
bite the flesh there before I trailed the vein of her neck with hot kisses and
nips from my teeth, all while I buried my hands in her long, thick raven hair.”
He’d just described my hair. I hoped no one noticed the blood rushing into my
face as he continued, “I’d follow that path all the way to her most intimate
places and do the same there until she begged me for release, but I wouldn’t
give it to her just yet.” As Jake went on with his description, his eyes
followed along my body until he reached the table—Mr. X-Ray vision was at a
loss. Nope—he just kept his eyes on the table in the exact space that hid me
from him and used his imagination. All my nerves fired like it was Chinese New
I picked up my shot and saluted him. I was a mess. I downed
the shot, flipped over the empty glass and put it on my loser’s pyramid. My
face must have been as red as an apple.
“Ooooo-kay! Very descriptive. Good show.” The DJ put on
Black Keys before announcing, “Now, ladies and gents, we have bets rolling on
this next question.” He paused for dramatic effect. “Will our girl give up her
truth or forfeit and drink her shot?” The crowd clapped and shouted, and terror
shot through me.
“Describe the undergarments you’re wearing right now.”
The guys in the audience whistled and the girls oohed.
This one was kinda easy. “I’m not.”
Jakes eyes closed, and the corners of his mouth tugged up.
Damn, I was embarrassed and knew my face had gone through
all kinds of shades of red, but I was still in the game. Jake took the shot and
held his gaze away from mine for a moment. I was hoping he had to recuperate
just as much as I did.
“Jake, it falls back to you. What is your favorite sex toy?”
The crowd shouted excitedly and offered a few ideas of their
own, but Jake answered, “Handcuffs.”
Drew filled my glass and I promptly emptied it, thinking
about Jake having me in handcuffs, doing everything he’d just described. The
combined effect of that hot fantasy and the alcohol made the space between my
legs start to sizzle. So much so that I had to rearrange the way I was sitting.
When the crowd calmed it was my turn again.
“We have a fun situation having two opponents of the
opposite sex. So to spice it up, this next dare is that Olivia has to act as if
she’s having an orgasm and cry out Jake’s name as she does it.”
The level of rowdy went from five to ten faster than a V8 engine
can go from 0 to 60.

Allie Juliette Mousseau writes sexy, emotionally-charged New Adult and Adult Romance in a variety of genres and temperatures.
She also creates captivating YA worlds through the magic of ink.
Check out Allie's music soundtracks for the True North Novels on Amazon and YouTube!
She can always be found writing, playing in puddles with her children, hiking with her husband, or adventuring somewhere in the world. Her favorite place to write on warm days is outdoors, but when the weather gets too cold, she'll be inside at her desk inspired by the mountain view from her home office in Montana where she lives with her loving husband, children, and golden retriever.
She loves to travel and lived for three years in her RV with her family while visiting the national parks and forests of the U.S. and a couple Canadian provinces.
Allie loves chatting to her readers through email and social media!
Join Allie Juliette’s Candy Girls reader/fan group! This is
the very happy place where we discuss Allie’s books and characters, and get the
teasers, promos and early reads before anyone else!
Facade by HD Sidebottom and Ker Dukey
Title: Facade
Authors: Ker Dukey & D.H. Sidebottom
Genre: Dark Erotic Thriller
Cover Design: Ker Dukey
WARNING! This book is Dark erotica. This book contains situations that some may find offensive. If you are sensitive to graphic violence read with caution. This book also leads into a second book. You will get answers but the story will continue into a final instalment. You have been warned. Enjoy.
You meet someone. You date. You fall in love. You marry. The four simple rules of love…. Wrong! I’m getting married but I’d never met him before now, never dated him, never fell in love. I have no access to the memories of the most magical time of anyone’s life. My mind won’t allow me to evoke the past, I can’t remember those simple stages to lead me to the fourth .
I can’t comprehend why I would have ever wanted to marry someone like Dante. I should never have passed the first stage, although, I may have seen him through the eyes of the woman I once was, this me that lives, breathes here now, can’t understand how we made it to the next stage. I’m not sure, without memories, how I know that this voice inside me, telling me I would never have chosen him, speaks some truth, I just know. He’s controlling, arrogant, callous and violent, and utterly hell bent on humiliating and degrading me – Like watching me falter, watching me struggle to comply and be the woman he asked to marry, powers him- as though he wants to break me piece by piece. Fiber by fiber. Until all that’s here is the shell he created from a soul that I once owned.
Now my memories are slowly returning. And they show me a completely different side to meeting him. Our dates, falling in love. The Dante haunting me in the shadows of my mind is loving, gentle and utterly enamored with me, nothing like the man with me now. And this is what taunts me. My tender lover turned into a debauched, cruel sadist who is determined to consume my life, destroy my mind and murder my spirit.
I am, Star, and just like with some stars in the sky, the light you see is an echo, a façade, I am already gone I am a no one. Especially to him. To him I am the dark in his desires, the corrupt in his depravity. The sin in his immorality
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FaCade by Ker Dukey & D. H Sidebottom
Don't you love a book that leaves you gaping at the last page, then you flick a few pages back and forth thinking maybe you missed something because there is no way in hell that the authors left you hanging like that!!!! Guess what Facade does just that and it's freaking awesome. It has been a long time since a book as left me feeling like that.
You get to meet Star who has been kidnapped by a sick and twisted man. She was drugged and now she doesn't know who she is any anything involving her life. She tries to stay strong but Mr Troy breaks her but you know deep down that he strength is still there. Now this book is filled with twisted story lines and that it was makes this book, you will not want to put it down.
You get to see Star struggle with being held captive but try to remain herself, little by little her memory comes back which both excited and terrifies her. As for Mr Troy aka Dante well that man needs a high five to the face with a metal chair for his sick and twisted mind. He brings Star to her knees with humiliation and you will just want to hug her.
Again being the strong person Star is, and while her memories seep through and truths come to light. After she is raped by a fellow captive, more memories surface and she learns who Dante is.
Without giving too many spoilers away this is where everything get even more sick and twisted. The truth of Dante's identity and reasons come to light and that ladies and gentlemen is where the authors leave us...perfect timing to lead into the next book, get writing ladies.
5 stars
Eye Candy Bookstore (Manager)
Don't you love a book that leaves you gaping at the last page, then you flick a few pages back and forth thinking maybe you missed something because there is no way in hell that the authors left you hanging like that!!!! Guess what Facade does just that and it's freaking awesome. It has been a long time since a book as left me feeling like that.
You get to meet Star who has been kidnapped by a sick and twisted man. She was drugged and now she doesn't know who she is any anything involving her life. She tries to stay strong but Mr Troy breaks her but you know deep down that he strength is still there. Now this book is filled with twisted story lines and that it was makes this book, you will not want to put it down.
You get to see Star struggle with being held captive but try to remain herself, little by little her memory comes back which both excited and terrifies her. As for Mr Troy aka Dante well that man needs a high five to the face with a metal chair for his sick and twisted mind. He brings Star to her knees with humiliation and you will just want to hug her.
Again being the strong person Star is, and while her memories seep through and truths come to light. After she is raped by a fellow captive, more memories surface and she learns who Dante is.
Without giving too many spoilers away this is where everything get even more sick and twisted. The truth of Dante's identity and reasons come to light and that ladies and gentlemen is where the authors leave us...perfect timing to lead into the next book, get writing ladies.
5 stars
Eye Candy Bookstore (Manager)
I have always had a passion for storytelling, whether it be through lyrics or bed time stories with my sisters. I wanted to be an actress growing up so I could live many roles but I learned early on that my mind was too active... I would want to change the script.I would watch films and think of ways they could of improved the story if they took another direction so i thought it best that i tell my own.
My mum would always have a book in her hand when I was young and passed on her love for reading, inspiring me to venture into writing my own. I tend to have a darker edge to my writing. Not all love stories are made from light, some are created in darkness but are just as powerful and worth telling.
When I'm not lost in the world of characters I love spending time with my family. I'm a mum and that comes first in my life but when I do get down time I love attending music concerts or reading events with my younger sister.
You can find me on Facebook where i love interacting with my readers.
::::connect with ker dukey here::::
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Author of The Heart of Stone, Room 103 and Shadows of Sin series, and the new Blue Butterfly series.
D H Sidebottom is a fulltime mum/author. She lives in Derbyshire, England with her children and two dogs. She is an avid reader and her tastes range from horror to erotic, but she loves to help new authors get into the ‘scene’. She loves rock music and tattooed guys, and has a weakness for coffee, wine and Belgium buns
::::connect with d.h. sidebottom here::::
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FORBIDDEN FLAWS by Pepper Winters ♥ Trailer Reveal
Title: Forbidden Flaws
Author: Pepper Winters
This is a FULL length novel with the first part of the book to be released November 10, 2014 as part of OWNED: An Alpha Anthology
She’s forbidden.
Saffron Carlton is the darling of the big screen, starlet on the red carpet, and wife of mega producer Felix Carlton. Her life seems perfect with her overflowing bank balance, adoring fans, and luxury homes around the world. Everyone thinks they know her. But no one truly does.
The silver limelight is tainted the day the couple announce their divorce.
He’s flawed.
Raised in squalor, fed on violence and poverty, Cas Smith knows the underbelly of the world. He’s not looking for fame or fortune. He’s looking for a job to get him the hell away from the danger of illegal fighting, and comes face to face with the woman who ran all those years ago.
Unable to turn down her job offer, he agrees to be her bodyguard and personal trainer, all while she hides her secrets.
He had no intention of letting her back into his heart.
But neither of them were prepared for what happens when forbidden and flawed collide —fracturing the world they know, changing the rules forever.
Watch the Book Trailer
OWNED: An Alpha Anthology
Prepare to be Owned...
Lose yourself in this collection of never before seen novellas from eleven best selling authors from around the globe.
And the best part - they contain controlling alphas, feisty females and story lines that will have you holding your breath.
Pre-Order OWNED today!
About the Author
Pepper Winters wears many roles. Some of them include writer, reader, sometimes wife. She loves dark, taboo stories that twist with your head. The more tortured the hero, the better, and she constantly thinks up ways to break and fix her characters. Oh, and sex... her books have sex.
She loves to travel and has an amazing, fabulous hubby who puts up with her love affair with her book boyfriends.
Her Dark Erotica books include:
Tears of Tess (Monsters in the Dark #1)
Quintessentially Q (Monsters in the Dark #2)
Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3)
Debt Inheritance (Indebted Series)
Her Grey Romance books include:
You can stalk her here
If you would like to be the first to know of upcoming releases please fill in her newsletter (Pepper promises to never spam or chat aimlessly:
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