Monday, June 30, 2014
Release Day Blitz - Trusted - Vicki Green
Pearl Dunaway is an aspiring painter and comes from wealth, but you’d never know it by looking at her. She lives in her yoga pants, tank tops, tennis shoes and loves to wear her long dark hair up in a high ponytail. Her career takes a drastic change when she becomes owner of a new bar. Her life is a happy one, full of love from her family and friends, yet she feels like something is missing. Something important. The love of a man. Then ‘He’ walks into her bar.
Harley Sanders comes from a rough life. His parents abandoned him at a young age and lived in several foster care homes that were unkind. Learning not to trust anyone, he’s always been a loner. When he was eighteen he started traveling to find a better life. Needing money he stopped off at a bar and a nice woman taught him how to bartend as well as other things. He traveled to many cities and he would bartend at various bars in each city to get the money needed to forge ahead to the next one. He needs nothing or no one until one day his travels land him in a Florida town and to a new bar. His heart beats for the first time when he meets the owner. but can he learn to trust her?
A beautiful woman and a man who won’t have anything to do with her. Will Pearl get through to this hot and sexy man? Can he ever trust her enough to let her in?
*Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
Harley Sanders comes from a rough life. His parents abandoned him at a young age and lived in several foster care homes that were unkind. Learning not to trust anyone, he’s always been a loner. When he was eighteen he started traveling to find a better life. Needing money he stopped off at a bar and a nice woman taught him how to bartend as well as other things. He traveled to many cities and he would bartend at various bars in each city to get the money needed to forge ahead to the next one. He needs nothing or no one until one day his travels land him in a Florida town and to a new bar. His heart beats for the first time when he meets the owner. but can he learn to trust her?
A beautiful woman and a man who won’t have anything to do with her. Will Pearl get through to this hot and sexy man? Can he ever trust her enough to let her in?
*Due to strong language and sexual content, this book is not intended for readers under the age of 18.
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The Touched Series
About the Author
Vicki Green grew up in Overland Park, Kansas and currently resides in Olathe, Kansas. Along with her husband and two teenage boys, she shares her home with her cocker spaniel's Shadow and Mocha. She has been working full time at the same Company for 35 years. Her life has been filled with the most loving and caring parents, who are both gone now but are still in her heart and mind daily.
Vicki enjoys reading Romance books which is what inspired her to begin writing this book. She has always admired Author's dedication and hard work. She had a dream that played out for over a year, came home one day after work and decided to put it on a word document to see how it read and that became 'My Savior Forever', the beginning of her Forever Series.
Twitter: @rileyks3
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Dawn Pendleton Blog Tour- Crazy Dreams
Crazy Dreams by Dawn Pendleton
Blurb: Stone Tucker has big dreams. Someday, he wants to be on a country radio station. Flash forward to reality, and Stone isn’t any closer to his dream than he was months ago when he left his high school sweetheart and hometown in Pennsylvania to move to Nashville. Every one back home thinks he’s going to fail, and unfortunately, Stone has started to believe it, too. Enter Ember Daniels. Ember lost her dad years ago in a car accident, and more recently, her older sister to leukemia. She’s had her fair share and then some of heart break and needs to get away from the modeling life her mother has been pushing on her. A summer trip to Nashville is just what she needs to find herself. She isn’t prepared for Stone, with his hot body and overall indifferent attitude toward her. One night can change everything, and with seemingly endless summer nights, Ember and Stone both discover exactly what they’re looking for.
Links: More links will be sent once live!
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Author Bio: Dawn Pendleton is a new adult author who began her writing journey in New England with her husband and their pup, though she now resides in Georgia and promptly became a Southern Belle (or so she likes to think). When she isn't staring at a blank page, willing the words to jump from her head to the screen, she's usually playing on her iPhone, reading a book, or taking pictures with her fancy camera (which she has no idea how to use).
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Ruthless People by JJ McAvoy
by J.J. McAvoy
Publication Date: July 17, 2014
Synopsis: Ruthless People is a romantic crime fiction set in modern day Chicago, following the life and marriage of Melody Giovanni and Liam Callahan—rivals by blood and leaders through fear. Their marriage was arranged by their fathers in hopes to end years of bloodshed between the Irish and the Italians.
Liam believes he’s getting a simple-minded wife, one he can control, one who bends to his every need . . . the complete opposite of Melody. She knows exactly what type of man he is, and she would rather die than give up the power she has spent her life building. To the outside world they look like American Royalty, but behind closed doors is a constant battle for dominance.
The Mafia of the past has evolved, and with rival bosses gunning for them, Melody and Liam will have to learn to work as one to take down all those who stand in their way.
About J.J. McAvoy
J. J. McAvoy first started working on Ruthless People during a Morality and Ethics lecture her freshman year of college. X number of years later, she is an insomniac who has changed her major three times, and is a master in the art of procrastination. If you ask her why she began writing, she will simply tell you “They wanted to get their story out.”
She is currently working on her next novel . . . so please bug her on Twitter @JJMcAvoy
Title: Outside the Box (Blythe College #3)
Author: Rochelle Paige
Release Date: July 2014
Aubrey earned her love ‘em and leave ‘em reputation with her serial dating past. A pregnancy scare makes her see the light and change her ways. She gets serious about school and stops dating – until she meets Luka and falls head over heels for him.Luka doesn’t trust easily after having his heart crushed by the girl next door. When he meets Aubrey, he doesn’t think she’s relationship material because of her past – even though he’s drawn to her.
What happens when the girl who always ran the moment a relationship got serious meets The One? Will Aubrey be able to get Luka to see herOutside the Box he’s put her in?
Summer Nights (Blythe College, #2.5)
Push the Envelope (Blythe College, #1)
Hit the Wall (Blythe College, #2)
About the Author
I absolutely adore reading - always have and always will. My friends growing up used to tease me when I would trail after them, trying to read and walk at the same time. If I have downtime, odds are you will find me reading or writing.
I am the mother of two wonderful sons who have inspired me to chase my dream of being an author. I want them to learn from me that you can live your dream as long as you are willing to work for it.
When I told my mom that my new year's resolution was to self-publish a book in 2013, she pretty much told me "About time!"
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Title: Mosaic (Dragonfly #4)
Author: Leigh Talbert Moore
Release Date: June 30, 2014
Genre: YA/NA Romance
Mosaic, the exciting conclusion to The Dragonfly series, coming June 30, 2014!
The future never goes as planned.
People are never what they seem.
Time changes everything.
So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.
It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me… it’s all coming out.
Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.
So you want to know what happened to Anna and Julian? Well, listen up, because I’ve got the whole scoop. I’m Jules, btw, and I am an artist, as you already know if you’ve read Watercolor. What you might not know is I inherited my mother’s cute little newsy nose, thank you very much.
It’s high school reunion time, and everyone’s coming back to Fairview—everyone who’s not already there, mind you. What went wrong, who’s fault it was, and why the heck nobody knew about me… it’s all coming out.
Long-distance relationships rarely last, and a lot of water has passed under that bridge. Big Secrets will be exposed, and in the end we’ll know if that old saying is true: Love is stronger than time.
Purchase the Series
Dragonfly (Dragonfly, #1) *Free*
Undertow (Dragonfly, #2)
Watercolor (Dragonfly, #3)
Mosaic (Dragonfly, #4)
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Amazon UK:
About the Author
Title: Ride Hard (Condemned Angels MC #2)
Author: Heather Leigh
Genre: MC Romance
Release Date: June 24, 2014
**This is book 2 of the Condemned Angels MC Series**
Jeremy Moretti, son the of the Condemned Angel’s President, has always had eyes for Nicole, his baby sister, Roxy’s best friend.
Nicole has eyes for both Jeremy and Hunter.
The Condemned Angels MC is the only family Nicole has left. After a series of events that almost cost Nicole to take her own life, Jeremy was the one to save her.
They have both struggled with sexual frustration for years, and have been holding back on each other. Being too stubborn and hard headed, Jeremy decides it’s best to push her away. When he doesn’t step up to the plate, Hunter is there to break her fall.
While Hunter and Nicole’s relationship blossoms, Jeremy tries to move on. However, he can’t let her go. It always been here, and it always comes back to Nicole.
After the death of the rival MC’s President, Ryder, has the Devil’s MC in a uproar as Ryder’s surviving brother, Jax has come to seek revenge.
With revenge, Jax brings unknown secrets that pertain to Nicole, which may risk everything, her safety, her MC family, and most importantly, Jeremy.
After the way Burning Desire was left I was gunning for this book and again I was not disappointed! I love MC book and I loved this book. Heather has done an amazing job.
I loved the love, hate relationship Jeremy and Nicole had in BD, even with Hunter thrown in. I was excited to read RH to see where their journey took them. And I loved it, I did want to bang their heads together a few times and just tell them to get it together. Their love is clear to them and everyone around them but they are also matched in personality which caused their stubbornness to show a lot but that's what helped make the book and the story between them.
I also really loved that we got to see the end result for Roxy and Chase, they got their HEA.
Again Miss Heather leaves us with a bloody cliffhanger, which is now making me gun for book 3 'Reckless Abandon'
5 stars
Eye Candy Bookstore (Manager)
About The Author
Deciding to write books was something I had contemplated for a while. A co-worker of mine had gotten me started me on the 50 Shades Trilogy. I had quickly became absorbed! Reading contemporary romance had become a part of me.
Little did I know that my daughter was a product of the “50 Shades Baby Boom”! I remember going to my doctor’s appointment to find out that we were off to labor and delivery- and I didn’t download any new books to my kindle! Talk about bummed out! However, I made up for that when I was home for my maternity leave. I believe we read 40+ books while I was home.
I am a full time new mom, and wife. Yes, I do work full time, I am currently doing multiple things, bouncing back after baby, weight watchers, exercising, training for a 5k, reading and writing. So far, I have really enjoyed writing as a hobby.
My work book club, “HE” had consumed us (and by us, I mean 2). We were critics of the stories and characters. I then thought to myself, “hmm, I bet I could write stories just like this, and have them turn out like I’d want them to.” Well, joking turned into thinking. Thinking turned into brainstorming. Brainstorming lead to opening a word document and letting my mind explore.
Growing up I had written short stories with friends, and as extra credit for school. This is probably where it all started… I had turned in one of my short stories without re-reading, or editing it completely. I had my paper returned to me saying the “content was inappropriate.” Apparently contemporary romance was frowned upon in English class! Oops! So maybe I was destined to become a writer.
I thought to myself that I want to live in this world and make a difference and have a part of me in history after I leave. This is me staying forever young.
Here I will post my journey, it’s a learning experience for me, so please bear with me.
If you have any questions, comments, concerns, recommendations- I welcome them all.
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Little Black Book- Tabatha Vargo & Melissa Andrea
My name’s Sebastian Black, and I want to buy you. I could have any woman I want, but I choose you.
Here’s my offer…
I’ll put your name in my LITTLE BLACK BOOK, and when I want you, I’ll call you. When I call, you’re going to come, in more ways than one. It will be mutually pleasurable for both of us.
There are only two rules:
If you do either, I’ll remove you from my book and payment stops.
Do we have an understanding?
HOLY MOTHER!!!! I hated Sebastian Black when I started this book, he was such a cold hearted bastard. And cocky as all get out. BUT, I have to admit his little book of ladies and why they were named what they were made me chuckle. Very original. LOL!
This book was something I thought I would like, not something I would LOVE but I did. Love it. It was Fifty Shades meets Pretty Woman meets something totally new and hot and completely unexpected. Sebastian's tainted past and Roz's painful childhood make them a pair of broken souls that need each other to heal and become one.
When things seem to be getting to a perfect place for the two of them, something unbelievably tragic makes it all seem impossible for them to continue with a future together.
This book was amazing, super sexy, heart breaking, stomach in knots kind of awesome. I highly recommend it and just wish there was more Sebastian Black. He definitely gives the Christian Greys of the world a run for their money. 5 stars- Kellie
My Sebastian Black Casting Choice
Melissa started reading in high school when she found her mom's romance book collection and has been hooked on books every since. She became a complete book-a-holic, starting her own collection and improving her reading skills. Most of the time she could finish a book walking around the store, while her mom shopped.
She wrote her first short story in high school for a competition in her writing class. It was a child's book called 'Arnold' - it was about an ant who believed he could do anything. Oh by the way, she won!
She has written many stories since then, but this will be her first YA paranormal/fantasy and the first book she will have published.
She lived in Mesa, Arizona with her husband of six years, and her 3 beautiful daughters. They are her biggest fans and they inspire her everyday. She enjoys spending time with her family, weekend dates with her mom & taking vacations. Hawaii anyone??
Tabatha is a sweet tea sippin', front porch sittin' kind of girl from South Carolina. She loves old, historical anything, wind chimes, and all things romantic. She is the mother of an 8 y/o rockstar/princess and the wife of her very own Prince Charming.
When she isn't writing, she's texting book ideas to herself.
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