Will the distance tear them apart?
With every difficulty Matt and Abigail have faced since the day they met, they’ve depended on their trust and love in each other to see them through. But what happens when absence becomes their biggest obstacle?
When Abigail follows her heart to pursue her career, she is forced to leave Matt behind. Confident that their love is strong enough to withstand the distance put between them, they believe they will soon come back to each other. But when a danger from their past threatens their future, Matt may just lose her forever.
Their love in one another will be put to the test, and only time will tell if they can truly find their unspoken ending.
“It’s nice to see you again, Abigail.” The sound of his voice sends me back to
that very first day I heard it in my coma. A set of shivers courses through my body
knowing his sole intention is to harm me.
“You shouldn’t be here, Bill. I’d hate to see what would happen if Julio caught
you near me,” I bravely state through clenched teeth while I attempt to control them
from rattling in fear.
“Your little bodyguard won’t be coming back soon. I’ve made sure of that.”
The words worry me the instant I absorb them and my body demands I move as I
try to sidestep past Bill, but he lunges forward and fiercely grips my arm. His fingers
forcefully dig into my skin as I continue my attempt to escape, to no avail. My scalp
radiates with pain as he digs his hand into my hair and yanks. With his mouth
brushing up against my cheek, I feel his dirty, warm breath as he says, “The only way
you’re leaving is with me.”
“Fuck you!” I angrily growl.
He laughs at my exclamation. The eerie feeling of his breath running down
my neck sends an unwelcome shiver down my spine. Grabbing onto his wrist, I try
my best to free myself from his grip, but he tightens his hold, sending another jolt of
pain down my scalp. This time I let out a wail in hopes someone will hear me.
He strikes my face with the hilt of his gun and I almost black out. “Shut the
fuck up, bitch!” he shouts, tugging again on my head and urging me to walk. I try to
dig my heels into the ground, but it doesn’t do any good and I soon feel something
being shoved into my ribs, urging me forward with another jolt of pain. I already
know it’s the gun digging into my ribs and fear is what motivates me to move.
“We’re leaving this room now. If you try to call out for help, Abigail, I won’t
hesitate to pull the trigger,” he proclaims while shoving it deeper into my side,
making me whimper from the pain.
My worst nightmare has come true. The fear of Bill finding me again is now a
reality. Every precaution I took to keep safe seems worthless at this point as he
drags me to the door. When he opens it, Charlie, the slimly little intern, is guarding
“Is it clear?” Bill asks him. He answers with a nod and Bill wraps his arm
around my waist, but keeps the gun pointed at my ribs with the other. The feeling of
his body next to mine disgusts me. His smell making my stomach churn and
revulsion now replaces my fear.
“Keep moving,” Bill orders.
“Why are you doing this?” I desperately ask as I’m left no choice but to start
walking again. “Please, Bill. If it’s money you want, I’ll give it all to you. Just let me
go,” I plead while trying to hold back my tears.
“Oh, that’s exactly what you’re going to do, Abigail,” he says, vengeance
evident in his tone.
With every step, my eyes scan for the perfect escape, but I’m left defeated
when we near the exit. He removes the gun, places it into the waistband of his pants
and pushes the door open. In that split second, I make my move. Lifting my foot, I
stab him in the shin with the heel of my shoe. He releases a howl and loosens his
grasp. I don’t hesitate to turn and slam my knee into his groin. As if expecting it, he
blocks my hit and the only contact I make is his thigh. He reaches for me and wraps
his hand into my dress, but it is a mistake. I slam my fist into his face; the contact
shoots a bolt of pain up my arm, but it frees me again and this time I run. Or at least
attempt to; the five-inch heels I have on severely slow me down. It allows Bill the
opportunity to catch up to me and grab a hold of my hair again, but I don’t give up
and continue to fight his grip.
It’s then I hear footsteps running towards me and my body is pulled free
from Bill’s grasp as someone punches his face. Looking to see who’s come to my
rescue, I see Julio struggling as Matt pulls me away.
“He hit you,” he says as his fingers gently touch my cheek. The contact makes
me wince in pain as I remember that Bill struck me there.
“I’m fine,” I say before we hear a grunt.
Julio is holding Bill with his arm around his neck and he’s struggling for air. A
feeling of relief courses through me until I see Bill reach down into his pants where
his gun is nestled into his waistband. Time freezes when I see him point the gun in
our direction.
My eyes stay locked onto his finger as he slowly pulls the trigger, my life
flashing before my eyes: The day I had my first memory of Matt, leading to the day I
went knocking on his door the first time. Next, the day Matt told me he loved me and
chose me in our bathroom. The day he proposed and I had foolishly turned him
down, regretting that choice at this moment. The day I drove away from him, having
to wait to see him again. But most importantly, the day he said the words that will
stay in my heart forever... even after I die.
“I don’t know what’s going on in that beautiful head of yours, but whatever it is,
it brought you to me, which makes you mine now, and I always protect what’s mine,
The sound of the gun firing rings in my ear as I feel myself falling to the
ground. Someone screams my name in the background as my back slams into the
floor. My head is pounding with pain as it makes contact and my breath is
completely taken from my lungs.
There isn’t anything exciting about me, besides having a uniquely spelled name….
Yes, it’s spelled Gabbie.
I’m a mom first, a wife second, and then a crazy girl who won’t hesitate to take on a challenge. That’s how I found my passion for writing. My daughter challenged me to write a book, and I did.
I was born and raised in Southern California. I live with my wonderful husband, two amazing kids and a senior citizen kitty named Tigger. When I’m not writing you can find me reading or sneaking off for a run. Some might say it’s a crazy life, but I wouldn’t change anything about it.

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