Ten years plotting.
Ten years of waiting.
Ten years of patience and planning.
Finally, he would have his revenge.
But–there is another side.
A dark side.
Revenge can cloud your judgement.
Revenge can take over your life.
Revenge can take away the one thing you really want.
After the murder of his partner, Mick, and watching his Stormy yanked from his grasp, all Nutter could think about was making Bender hurt. He wanted to show him more than the pain he lived with each and every second of the day, he wanted Bender to be nothing but pain.
Without Mick by his side, Nutter expected to feel alone, without purpose–but something wonderful happened, instead. He found his focus. He found his Kitten, the one woman who could match his intelligence and his appetite for killing. Together, they could rule the world. All they had to do was fulfill Nutter’s plan for revenge.
This is one killer of a story...
Five years after the end of Bender“Lawrence Goodwin, you are free to go,” Judge Janice Baker said. The sound of the gavel hitting the desk echoed through the silent room before the spectators erupted in disgust.
He schooled his features to make sure they showed the approved level of being thankful and appreciation, never showing the true malice running through his veins. Never showing the distain he had for the people in the room. Drowning out the sounds of protest.
Five years, one at an institution across the country before being transferred back here, close to home. Then four long years at Elwood: the state-run mental hospital close to Stormy and Bender. Hours of ‘rehabilitation’ to make him remorseful for everything he’d done. Days of toying with the staff. Months of orchestrating his release. Years of plotting his revenge.
Part of him was surprised at how easy it actually was. They obviously weren’t too bright. Nutter, as he preferred to be called, was a genius to begin with. He was a master manipulator and knew how to work the system. All they did was give him more knowledge to use in the future. This was truly like child’s play to him. A mere bump in the road to his ultimate goal. Stormy.
The first part of his plan was successfully completed. He was free, well, partially free. He was still technically on probation, and would be monitored twenty-four hours a day, but this wasn’t a surprise. He’d already started working that angle as soon as he was arrested. It wasn’t going to take him long to be able to enjoy all the hobbies he had been missing for so long.
The thought of being able to create his artwork again pleased him so much, he had to control the shiver that wanted to run rampant down his spine, but he couldn’t stop his cock from twitching. Carefully he concentrated on his heartbeat and breathing, slowing them both down. At this point he couldn’t afford a setback.
He kept his mind focused on his plan, on what would be coming next. Going over it again and again in his head. Leaving absolutely nothing to chance. There was no way he was going to miss out on any opportunity to have his princess back in his clutches and having the distinct pleasure of taking her away from Bender. Forever.
When he first started creating his plan, he knew it was going to take him years before his revenge was ever going to happen, but in the scheme of things getting payback was better than nothing. Better than wasting away at Elwood with a bunch of crazy people. He wasn’t crazy, he was superior to everyone. A true artist, who needed to create in order to breathe.
For now, he was going home. Home to a house he had purchased before this whole unfortunate business happened. It was one of the few assets they system knew about and the only one they had allowed him to keep.
Nutter didn’t show any impatience, as he was roughly shuffled around, and papers took longer to sign then they should have. It could take all week for all he cared, he was getting out. Revenge would be his.
Five years after the end of Bender“Lawrence Goodwin, you are free to go,” Judge Janice Baker said. The sound of the gavel hitting the desk echoed through the silent room before the spectators erupted in disgust.
He schooled his features to make sure they showed the approved level of being thankful and appreciation, never showing the true malice running through his veins. Never showing the distain he had for the people in the room. Drowning out the sounds of protest.
Five years, one at an institution across the country before being transferred back here, close to home. Then four long years at Elwood: the state-run mental hospital close to Stormy and Bender. Hours of ‘rehabilitation’ to make him remorseful for everything he’d done. Days of toying with the staff. Months of orchestrating his release. Years of plotting his revenge.
Part of him was surprised at how easy it actually was. They obviously weren’t too bright. Nutter, as he preferred to be called, was a genius to begin with. He was a master manipulator and knew how to work the system. All they did was give him more knowledge to use in the future. This was truly like child’s play to him. A mere bump in the road to his ultimate goal. Stormy.
The first part of his plan was successfully completed. He was free, well, partially free. He was still technically on probation, and would be monitored twenty-four hours a day, but this wasn’t a surprise. He’d already started working that angle as soon as he was arrested. It wasn’t going to take him long to be able to enjoy all the hobbies he had been missing for so long.
The thought of being able to create his artwork again pleased him so much, he had to control the shiver that wanted to run rampant down his spine, but he couldn’t stop his cock from twitching. Carefully he concentrated on his heartbeat and breathing, slowing them both down. At this point he couldn’t afford a setback.
He kept his mind focused on his plan, on what would be coming next. Going over it again and again in his head. Leaving absolutely nothing to chance. There was no way he was going to miss out on any opportunity to have his princess back in his clutches and having the distinct pleasure of taking her away from Bender. Forever.
When he first started creating his plan, he knew it was going to take him years before his revenge was ever going to happen, but in the scheme of things getting payback was better than nothing. Better than wasting away at Elwood with a bunch of crazy people. He wasn’t crazy, he was superior to everyone. A true artist, who needed to create in order to breathe.
For now, he was going home. Home to a house he had purchased before this whole unfortunate business happened. It was one of the few assets they system knew about and the only one they had allowed him to keep.
Nutter didn’t show any impatience, as he was roughly shuffled around, and papers took longer to sign then they should have. It could take all week for all he cared, he was getting out. Revenge would be his.
Revenge (The Night Club Series, Book 1)
M. Stratton is an International Amazon bestselling author in the romantic suspense and mystery suspense categories for her Storm Series and Bender. She lives with her husband and son in Arizona, which is a big difference from where she grew up north of Chicago, Illinois. As an only child she learned to tell herself stories to make the long winters go by quicker while dreaming of summer vacations. Now as an adult she still makes up stories to pass the time, but now she writes them down to share with other people.
Stratton is a self-proclaimed dork who loves to make people laugh. Her inner rock star is always on stage performing to a sold out crowd, but she quiet and shy on the outside. She spends her days plotting new ways to surprise her readers.
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