When a wounded angel falls out of the skies, a mermaid risks her life to save him…
A seawitch who hates the whole world is championed by the one angel who refuses to let her drive him away…
A merangel is trapped in a dark world with a vampire half-breed who doesn’t know the difference between good and evil; only between what he wants and what he can have…
The Daughters of Arianne trilogy: Paranormal romances that straddle the line between sensual and erotic, and explore the dark side of the Little Mermaid fairy tale. Now, these books are being re-released at self-published prices and, even better, they’re on sale during the pre-order period! Through July 31, get all three full-length novels for $8.97 on Amazon, Kobo or iBooks.
For full excerpts and blurbs to these three titles, visit http://storywitch.com/series-doa.
From the author: When I wrote these books, I expected them to be romances with lovely mermaids, really hot angels, and awesome good-versus-evil climactic battles. All that worked out just fine (wink), but the stories also became an emotional exploration into how we deal with love and loss, regrets, and how we try to live every moment of our life with a deep understanding of how precious it can be, no matter what challenges we face. I hope you give them a try!
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Buy Links
Author Bio
Winner of the RT Book Reviews Career Achievement award, Joey W. Hill has published over forty contemporary and paranormal BDSM erotic romances, including six series. Her emotionally-intense love stories offer everything from vampires, mermaids, witches and angels, to boardroom executives, cops and simple housemaids. With her books, she suggests “don’t look past the sex; look in it, and find a wonderful story to touch the heart and soul.”
Author Web & Social Media links:
Website: storywitch.com
Twitter: @JoeyWHill
Facebook: facebook.com/JoeyWHillAuthor
GoodReads: goodreads.com/author/show/103359.Joey_W_Hill
Fan sites/free material: storywitch.com/community
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